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Artista vizuala australianca Catherine Nelson (n. 1970) construieste lumi complexe plutitoare constand din sute de fotografii cusute impreuna. Ani de zile ea a lucrat pe post de creator de imagine in industria filmului, creand efecte vizuale pentru filme caracteristice cum ar fi Moulin Rouge sau Harry Potter.Acum ea combina tehnica si experienta pentru a crea unice si pline de imaginatie peisaje, fiecare devenind propriul sau microcosmos detaliat.

Desi piesele sunt superbe de privit si par colosale este greu de transmis rezolutia si scala fiecarei piese care masoara cca 100x100 cm, un nivel de detaliere care necesita ca Nelson sa petreaca aproape o luna pentru fiecare piesa.Desi s-ar crede ca unele piese sunt transformate in perspectiva 3D, ele sunt de fapt realizate cu un editor digital pentru asamblarea celor 100 de fotografii separate. Incredibil.

“Cand am imbratisat mediul fotografic, am simtit ca a prinde  o imagine care este doar ce este in cadrul obiectivului nu poate  exprima experienta mea personala si lumea inconjuratoare ce exista in interiorul meu.  Cu ochiul format de pictor si cu anii de experienta din spatele meu in efecte vizuale de film, am inceput sa simt  fotografiile mele la un alt nivel”. Seria “Memorii din viitor” cuprinde 20 lumi plutitoare, meticulos realizate cu mii de detalii asamblate. Poezie vizuala, fotografie a naturii si tehnici digitale se amesteca pentru a da forma acestor peisaje transcedentale. Rezultatul este o mitologie de imagini contemporane care amintesc subtil privitorului un adevar profund: varietatea infinita a lumii in care locuieste, soarta ei posibila.

Smaranda D.

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Sydney-based artist Catherine Nelson refers to herself as a painter with a camera, in that she doesn’t see the world as a photographer does but instead uses photos as a medium with which she creates these fantastic miniature worlds. Each work is comprised of hundreds of photographs which she digitally stitches together, drawing from an extensive background in visual special effects having worked on such films as Moulin Rouge, Harry Potter and 300. Of her work Nelson says:

When I embraced the medium of photography, I felt that taking a picture that represented only what was within the frame of the lens wasn’t expressing my personal and inner experience of the world around me. With the eye and training of a painter and with years of experience behind me in film visual effects, I began to take my photos to another level. The ‘Future Memories’ series comprises of 20 floating worlds, meticulously composed with thousands of assembled details. Visual poetry, nature photography and digital techniques blend together to give shape to these transcendental landscapes. The result is a contemporary pictorial mythology that subtly reminds the viewer of a profound truth: that it is in the flourishing variety of the local that the fate of the world resides.

Although the pieces are quite gorgeous to look at right here on Colossal, it’s hard to convey the resolution and scale of each piece which measures about 40×40″ (100x100cm), a level of detail that requires Nelson to spend nearly a month on each piece. It was my assumption based on the perspective and detail that some of these works must be somehow partially rendered in 3D, however she assured me via email that this is not the case. Though she uses digital editing to assemble them, they are almost purely based in photography. Incredible.