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Ce a făcut Stalin în Ucraina făcuseră deja englezii în Irlanda

Ce a făcut Stalin în Ucraina făcuseră deja englezii în Irlanda, cu un secol înainte, printr-o combinație de laissez-faire dogmatic și discriminare sistematică bazată pe șovinism. Dar vorba lui Patapievici, expertul local pe relația dintre creștinism și capitalism: "Regimurile liberal-capitaliste nu torturează, nu ucid".
"The Famine was our Holocaust. During the mid-19th Century, Ireland experienced the worst social and economic disaster a nation could suffer. A quarter of the island's population starved to death or emigrated to escape truly appalling conditions (...)
Coogan's work is a damning indictment of Charles Trevelyan, the assistant secretary to the Treasury, who was effectively in charge of Famine relief in Ireland.
Trevelyan, today, is remembered more in sorrow than in anger in the classic song 'The Fields of Athenry', but he surely ranks alongside Cromwell as one of the greatest villains in Irish history.
Trevelyan was motivated by racialism, laissez-faire dogmatism and anti-Catholicism. Coogan highlights in a variety of ways how Trevelyan's policies consigned a generation of Irish people to death or exile.
But Trevelyan is most conclusively condemned in the dock of history by his own words.
The man whose policies held sway over the fate of a starving population wrote : "The judgment of God sent the calamity to teach the Irish a lesson, that calamity must not be too much mitigated . . . the real evil with which we have to contend is not the physical evil of the Famine but the moral evil of the selfish, perverse and turbulent character of the people."
The Famine was our Holocaust. During the mid-19th Century, Ireland experienced the worst social and economic disaster a nation could suffer. A quarter of the island's population starved

Constantin Balasoiu
Constantin Balasoiu mai pe larg despre asta si altele, de ex din India coloniala, aici:
Editura Economica, editura de carte economica oferta cititorilor o bogata oferta de manuale scolare, carti specializate, dictionare, tratate universitare, manuale si carti de popularizare în domeniul informaticii din tara

Alexandru Racu
Alexandru Racu Records show that Irish lands exported food even during the worst years of the Famine. When Ireland had experienced a famine in 1782–83, ports were closed to keep Irish-grown food in Ireland to feed the Irish. Local food prices promptly dropped. Merchants lobbied against the export ban, but government in the 1780s overrode their protests.[79] No such export ban happened in the 1840s.[80]
Throughout the entire period of the Famine, Ireland was exporting enormous quantities of food. In the magazine History Ireland (1997, issue 5, pp. 32–36), Christine Kinealy, a Great Hunger scholar, lecturer, and Drew University professor, relates her findings: Almost 4,000 vessels carried food from Ireland to the ports of Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool, and London during 1847, when 400,000 Irish men, women, and children died of starvation and related diseases. She also writes that Irish exports of calves, livestock (except pigs), bacon, and ham actually increased during the Famine. This food was shipped under British military guard from the most famine-stricken parts of Ireland; Ballina, Ballyshannon, Bantry, Dingle, Killala, Kilrush, Limerick, Sligo, Tralee, and Westport. A wide variety of commodities left Ireland during 1847, including peas, beans, onions, rabbits, salmon, oysters, herring, lard, honey, tongues, animal skins, rags, shoes, soap, glue, and seed. The most shocking export figures concern butter. Butter was shipped in firkins, each one holding 9 imperial gallons; 41 litres. In the first nine months of 1847, 56,557 firkins (509,010 imperial gallons; 2,314,000 litres) were exported from Ireland to Bristol, and 34,852 firkins (313,670 imperial gallons; 1,426,000 litres) were shipped to Liverpool, which correlates with 822,681 imperial gallons (3,739,980 litres) of butter exported to England from Ireland during nine months of the worst year of the Famine.[81] The problem in Ireland was not lack of food, which was plentiful, but the price of it, which was beyond the reach of the poor.
The Great Famine (Irish: an Gorta Mór, [anˠ ˈgɔɾˠt̪ˠa mˠoːɾˠ]) or the Great Hunger was a period of mass starvation,…
Eugen Rădulescu
Eugen Rădulescu Și în iran și în india englezii au produs foamete.
Cristian Tony Grecu
Cristian Tony Grecu Sau BBC - A History Of Britain (15Pts)
Brad Florescu
Brad Florescu
A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country,…
Andrei Holter
Andrei Holter Bine, englezii mai incercasera genocidul prin înfometare cu irlandezii și înainte de asta de vreo doua ori. Și nu au fost departe de a reuși de fiecare data.
Grig Cat
Grig Cat cum, dar importanta descoperire economica, paradoxul giffen, atat de aplicat in capitalismul de azi (e.adevarat, pe alt palier decat al alimentelor de stricta necesitate), nu.i suficient pt a justifica istoria?!
Maria Bianca Guruita
Maria Bianca Guruita "Ce a făcut Stalin în Ucraina" 
vreti sa ziceti ce sustine propaganda nazista c-ar fi facut "stalin" in ucraina. 
sau propaganda vaticanului, depinde acum, ca-n cazul asta e destul de greu de distins
Maria Bianca Guruita
Maria Bianca Guruita sau poate vreti sa faceti comparatia cu politica de stat a reichului de infometare a 30-50 de milioane de oameni in urss, ucraina inclusiv, prin: interzicerea aprovizionarii oraselor, furtul hranei, incendierea recoltelor (inspirati de kulaci, probabil).
Priscila Lipciuc
Priscila Lipciuc Mai avem multe de invatat...
Alexandru Racu
Liliana Moise
Liliana Moise " ...but the moral evil of the selfish, perverse and turbulent character of the people." Right!
Claudiu Gaiu
Claudiu Gaiu Bitter Harvest? de la film ai pornit? cum e în afară de propagandă?
Alexandru Racu
Alexandru Racu Nu l-am vazut si n-am auzit de el. A aparut de curand?
Claudiu Gaiu
Claudiu Gaiu 2017. o chestie canadiană pro-Kiev ca timing. nu prea am timp să văd filme în perioada asta, dar a fost o polemică pe counterpunch, câteva trimiteri la scrierile lui Mark Tauger, de care mai auzisem îmtr-o polemică a lui cu Amrita Sen tot pe teme de înfometare britanice însă în Bengal
Radu Cărăban
Radu Cărăban nu stiu daca o fi zis el treaba asta, da' daca tot ati facut referire....:)
Alina Constantinescu
Alina Constantinescu In a letter to an Irish peer, Lord Monteagle of Brandon, a former Chancellor of the Exchequer, he described the famine as an "effective mechanism for reducing surplus population"...what a fuckup!
Marta Nora Tarnea
Marta Nora Tarnea Şi mai sunt destule alte precedente!

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