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About Heidegger's

Emmanuel Faye uploaded a file.
"Martin Heidegger si peu responsable": un bon article très clair de Serge Hartmann sur "Arendt et Heidegger" dans les DNA du 15 octobre:
" Martin Heidegger if little responsible ": a good article very clear of Serge Hartmann on " Arendt and heidegger " in the dna of 15 October:

No Se
No Se Just a question, Emmanuel Faye: Do you really believe what you write or it is just a question of marketing?
Emmanuel Faye
Emmanuel Faye You should ask the question to Heidegger when he falsified temporarily his texts after 1945 in order to be accepted by democratic people.
No Se
No Se If this were his purpose, he could have done it much better...
Michael Tweed
Michael Tweed "Falsified" is an interesting, and it would seem rather heavy-handed, choice of words; why not simply "revised his texts"? After all are there not also various versions of numerous of his texts from throughout his career which he revised not for political reasons but simply for clarity? It would seem perfectly reasonable over time to revise a text editing out any superfluous and mistaken remarks, political or not, which do not bear on the subject of the paper.
Emmanuel Faye
Emmanuel Faye Michael Tweed, je vous réponds en français pour aller plus vite. Bien entendu, chaque auteur a le droit de réviser quand il veut ses propres textes. Il y a falsification et plus précisément auto-falsification lorsqu'un auteur, à des fins disculpatrices, fait croire qu'une modification importante et tardive d'un texte compromettant n'en est pas une. Ainsi de Heidegger qui affirme en 1953 que les parenthèses de son cours de 1935 "Introduction à la métaphysique" figurent dans le manuscrit original de son cours, alors que l'on sait aujourd'hui par le témoignage notamment de Rainer Marten qui avait revu les épreuves du cours, que la parenthèse ajoutée: "(c'est-à-dire la rencontre de l'homme déterminé planétairement et de la technique)" a en réalité été ajoutée sur les épreuves du cours, pour atténuer la radicalité de son éloge de "la vérité interne et la grandeur de ce mouvement", le mouvement nazi. Et j'ai d'autres exemples.  
Alfred Denker
Alfred Denker It is interesting that Rainer Marten remembers reading the proofs 60 years ago and didn't say anything in the 25 years Heidegger was still alive. Heidegger's manuscript of the course is easily accessible. It is also interesting that Heidegger didn't destroy the "evidence" if he really wanted to falsify his history.
Emmanuel Faye
Emmanuel Faye As you probably know Alfred Denker, the proofs of the last pages of the course, containing the infamous éloge of the "innere Wahrheit und Größe" of the nazi mouvement have precisely been deleted in the personnal Archives of Martin Heidegger.
Martin Maximilian Heidegger
Martin Maximilian Heidegger What do suppose the motive for MH destroying Div 3 of SuZ was? Could it be that he destroyed it because it was contrary to what he believed?
Emmanuel Faye
Emmanuel Faye We have no certitude that Heidegger effectively wrote and then destroyed the division 3 of the first part and the second part announced in his plan of SuZ. If we can consider that the Kantbuch of 1929 may correspond to the first division of section of the second part of SuZ, I really doubt that he wrote a true destruction of the "ontology" of Descartes and Aristoteles.
Martin Maximilian Heidegger
Martin Maximilian Heidegger One has to wonder what scholarship you posses in regards to Heidegger. Here are some citations to aid you in tempering and toning down your nonsense: 

...there are indications that he completed it, but unsatisfied, destroyed it. - (Braver, Lee. Division III of Heidegger's Being and Time, The Unanswered Question of Being. MIT Press. 2015. p 2-3) became clear to me that this all important Division (I, 3) drafted up to that point had to be incomprehensible. The decision to discontinue publication took shape... - translated from German from a recollection Heidegger makes in 1941 - (Kiesel, Theodore. The Genesis of Heidegger's Being and Time. U of CA Press. 1993. p 486)
Emmanuel Faye
Emmanuel Faye I am deeply impressed, Martin Maximilan Heidegger, by your "courtoisie": (nonsense, etc). I did not know that the mere supputations of Lee Braver and Ted Kisiel were absolute authorities for heideggerian groupies like you. I will go back more precisely to those philological questions in March 2017 in the Siegener Conference on Sein und Zeit. Bis bald.
Martin Maximilian Heidegger
Martin Maximilian Heidegger Well do you think that Heidegger is an authority on his own project? Did you even bother to read the Kiesel citation?
Emmanuel Faye
Emmanuel Faye Je vous réponds en français pour aller plus vite. Il faut certes travailler sur les énoncés de Heidegger. Il faut néanmoins le faire cum grano salis. Nous savons en effet que sur des points philologiques précis il a effrontément menti, ainsi que son éditeur, en l'occurrence Hartmut Titjen, comme l'a par exemple découvert et montré Franck Jolles à propos du cours de l'hiver 1933-1934 (voir mon interview avec Iris Radisch dans Die Zeit: J'ai d'autres exemples en tête, fort précis, que je compte faire connaître dans un prochain article. En ce qui concerne maintenant Sein und Zeit, nous devons tenir compte du fait que lorsque Henry Corbin est allé le consulter pour son anthologie d'extraits à traduire en français, Martin Heidegger lui a recommandé de traduire le chapitre sur la mort et celui sur l'historicité, et pas le développement final sur la temporalité. De fait, ce sont bien les sections sur la mort et l'historicité qui forment l'armature de Sein und Zeit, plus que les développements sur la temporalité que je ne suis pas le seul à considérer comme faibles et peu décisifs. Que Heidegger ait rédigé des brouillons de la suite, je ne le conteste pas. Mais je considère qu'avec sa notion de la Geschichtlichkeit, l'essentiel était dit de ce qu'il pouvait dire alors. Bien entendu, ces remarques improvisées sur FB sont extrêmement sommaires. Mais rien ne justifie vos oukases.  
Martin Maximilian Heidegger
Martin Maximilian Heidegger What is disturbing that you have so many distracted with idle chatter, gossip and bullshit. What many fail to see is how you have commandeered a discussion on thinking by pointing an accusatory finger and shouting 'heretic!'. Various religions and political institutions use 'blasphemy' as a tool to manipulate public opinion and coerce the 'unbelievers'. So during medieval times, for instance, the church bullied thinkers into following the churches world view that the earth was the center of everything. Giordano Bruno paid the price for straying from the Christian worldview and was burned at the stake. Now a modern inquisition has popped up and a new set of inquisitors force a world view and seek to make examples of those who stray. So lets examine this new heresy. Tell me, Emmanuel Faye, what is Heidegger's transgression? What is so sacrosanct about Semitism that one can't be against it? Why is antisemitism as it was practiced by the Nazis far more egregious than any other form of purging throughout man's history? Did Roman persecution of the Christians not reach the bar, in spite of feeding Christians to lions and lighting their garden parties and highways with burning Christians on crosses? Did Stalin's murder of countless millions of people who did not support his brand of communism somehow not measure up in degree of atrocity? The Americans get a pass for their attempted extermination of the indigenous peoples of North America. There is a saying that summed up their view of the Native Americans: The only good redskin is a dead one. Even the Crusades' ruthless cleansing program in the Holy Lands doesn't hold the same rank as the attempted extermination of the Jews by the Germans. In truth, humans can be ruthless in their pursuit of establishing a unified world view. Our history is rife with examples of the horror that we can perpetrate upon one another. What happened to the Jews is not unique, yet there is a danger in thinking that their suffering isn't penultimate. There was a time during the cold war when the Americans became paranoid of Soviet infiltration within the government, the arts and society. It was colloquially called the Red Scare, but historians call it McCarthyism. The chief inquisitor was an attorney by the name of Roy Cohn. He became a media sensation with his accusatory finger pointing at the high and mighty. In the end he was discredited and his desire for esteem has turned into shame for all of history. This is your fate too.
Emmanuel Faye
Emmanuel Faye Eh bien, Maximilan, vous quittez vite le terrain de la philologie pour celui de l'accusation idéologique! Et quel coming out sur l'antisémitisme! Quant à moi, je suis avant tout un spécialiste de la Renaissance, j'ai souligné et dénoncé dans mon livre "Philosophie et perfection de l'homme" (Vrin, 1998), la cruauté des procédures de torture contre Giordano Bruno, et je m'insurge contre toute forme de pensée inquisitorial et exterminatrice. Mais la recherche critique n'est pas de l'inquisition, dans la recherche philosophique il n'y a ni orthodoxie ni hérésie, et un chercheur comme je suis n'est pas un attorney. Quant à Heidegger, j'ai pris au sérieux ses déclarations sur la fin de la philosophie, le "mauvais danger" du philosopher, et son refus de toute "philosophie de Heidegger", pour le prendre pour ce qu'il est et pour ce qu'il proclame être publiquement à partir de 1947, mais plus tôt dans des textes privés, un anti-philosophe. Vous confondez tout. Je vous laisse donc à votre confusion rageuse.  
Martin Maximilian Heidegger
Martin Maximilian Heidegger Now the new target will be Hannah Arendt, because she is problem when it comes to denouncing Heidegger. She must be shown to be a co-conspirator in this 'heresy'. My other prediction is that Husserl, Jaspers and other Jewish philosophers and thinkers that had interaction with Heidegger have to be elevated. So expect their works to be promoted and books published on how Heidegger slighted them in a way that highlights his flaws as a human being.
Martin Maximilian Heidegger
Martin Maximilian Heidegger I leave you to your bullshit. I see nothing that critiques the ideas of Heidegger in any way that resembles philosophical discourse. Is your next book going to be about who Heidegger slept with and how that diminishes his thinking?
Emmanuel Faye
Emmanuel Faye You didn't even read my new book on "Arendt and Heidegger", particularly the discussion of the Werfrage and the existentials substituted to categories in SuZ (chapter 6). So, you speak ony about what you don't know. Il is mere "procès d'intention" as we say in French.
Martin Maximilian Heidegger
Martin Maximilian Heidegger You want to know the result of your type of inquisition has on examining Dasein's unrootedness and ungroundedness? Here is a topic for someone's doctoral thesis: A Heideggerian View of the Effects of Ungroundedness of African Decendants Living in America. Who has the balls to write this? Who can dispassionately examine the effect it has had on a people and the country in which they have been removed to?
Martin Maximilian Heidegger
Martin Maximilian Heidegger I have to read your book? I am responding to the endless bullshit you post in any media that needs sensationalist content to feed to the ignorant masses.
Emmanuel Faye
Emmanuel Faye And what about the Ungroudedness of European Descendants Living in America? You seem to think, like white suprematists, that WHASP are more grounded in the American soil than Afro-American people.
Martin Maximilian Heidegger
Martin Maximilian Heidegger I have to think that the insecurity that the French feel towards the Germans is what fuels your attack on Heidegger. And do you even understand my point about writing about African Americans employing the same approach as Heidegger's and why it would be "politically incorrect?" Writing about displaced Europeans was already done in the Black Notebooks, but that didn't even elicit a whisper from you in terms of condemnation. Was it not sensational enough for you? It certainly wouldn't get the acclaim and attention that you derive from the accusations of antisemitism. Surely a detailed examination of the effect of having Ungrounded Europeans on the continent and how it has influenced the world would be very interesting indeed. What is unique in America is that there is the ungroundedness of the African nestled within the ungrounded world of the European. The effect is a recursive one and has shaped a Dasein that has an accelerated adoption of technology.
Martin Maximilian Heidegger
Martin Maximilian Heidegger Is it any wonder why the majority of scientific advancement comes from the U.S.? Have you seen what it's like to be Dasein in America? They even kill disconnectedly with drones and missiles guided via satellite. What has this group of humans done to the way the rest of the planet understands as a way of being? Do you have Disney in France, or McDonald's? What Heidegger feared, in terms of what ushers in a technological understanding of a way of being has come to be the case. If you understood the Black Notebooks, you would realize that Heidegger would be the biggest supporter of an establishment of a Jewish state that rerooted and regrounded the Jewish peoples. Instead you take your lack of understanding and sensationalize it for your personal gain both in ego and finance.

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