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Eclectic, Diverse Photography Plus - a New Kind of Analog Film
Discover: A New Kind of Analog Film and 9 Other Projects
Contemporary Photography
This week, discover lots of great new contemporary photography in LensCulture. As always, the mix is eclectic and diverse, including brilliant documentary work from Romania (outrageously popular on Facebook this week), to picturing infinity, and classic film-noir views from 21st century London. Here are 10 articles you shouldn't miss:
Notes for an Epilogue Tamas Dezso records scenes of contemporary Romania, a Balkan country irreversibly decaying in the aftermath of the region's harshest dictatorship.
The Infinities (Of Earth and Heaven) This conceptual work from Thomas Brummett explores ideas of infinity at the intersections of photography, camera-less abstraction and physical mark making.
Eternal London (2012-14) Giacomo Brunelli uses his distinct film-noir style to create evocative close-cropped silhouettes of people and animals against the backdrop of London's streets and landmarks.
Washi: New Paper Negatives Lomig Perrotin has created new alternative paper negatives that work with most medium and large format cameras — encouraging a return to the materiality of photography.
The Itinerant Languages of Photography This scholarly book and exhibition demonstrate how a "photograph assumes its full meaning only after it has been reproduced and displaced."
Ascension A magical series by Francisco Diaz inspired by this quote from Rumi: "This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet."
Landscapes of Memory "Landscapes are culture before they are nature, constructs of the imagination that are projected into woods and water and rock." A series by Michael Lange
Before the Echo Lisa DiLillo creates pre-apocalyptic lightscapes of "unexpected" transformations in nature.
Ad Infinitum A selection of over 1,000 pictures of portraits found on tombstones in Hong Kong — posing questions about individuality, anonymity and mortality. By Kris Vervaeke.
20th Century Photos, Drawing and Montage A retrospective exhibition in Paris celebrates the multi-talented artist, Erwin Blumenfeld, who escaped a Nazi concentration camp and went on to find success in fashion photography and lots more.
Explore! By the way, check out our new Photographers area to discover hundreds and hundreds of new contemporary photography projects submitted by photographers we invited from around the world. Warning — this kind of endless inspiration can be addicting!
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