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Ecoul ironic al operei de arta // The ironic echo of the artwork

Se spune ca Hitler ar fi decis sa devina tribunul germanilor de timpuriu, prin 1905, cand a vazut Rienzi, opera lui Wagner despre un tribun roman.

Iata aici Rienzi intr-o adaptare germana menita sa ironizeze toata ideea tribunului/eroului.

Ideea montajului lui Philipp Stolzl, director de scena, este de a ne vindeca tendinta de a cauta eroi, in special intr-un timp ca acesta cand le-am vazut pe toate. Nu-i asa?

Iata acum comentariile celor care au vazut aceasta punere in scena pe DVD:

20 of 21 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Rienzi recovered, November 9, 2010
By Richard (Minneapolis, Mongolia) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: Wagner: Rienzi (DVD)
First off let me say that this cut Rienzi is not a desecration of Wagner, and I am a major Wagnerholic. If you have made it through the entire Rienzi (there is a CD available by the BBC) you know that it is a numbing work - chorus after chorus, ballets that never end: enough material for two operas. Do you really want 5 hours of second rate Meyerbeer? This is not mature Wagner, and anything that helps Rienzi work in the theater is welcome. This DVD delivers.
Yes, the work is brought up into the 20th century and casts Rienzi as a fascist dictator. But it works. Due to the cuts this streamlined Rienzi makes more of an impact than the sprawling original.
The musicians are quite good. The singers are effective actors. The conducting keeps the work moving. Don't hold your breath for a complete Rienzi. This production makes a good case for the opera. All Wagnerians should check it out.

Doug Urquhart says:
Completely agree. Sometimes it is necessary to prune the rose to improve the quality of the flower.
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In reply to an earlier post on May 31, 2011 5:25:20 PM PDT
Last edited by the author on Jun 4, 2011 1:00:07 AM PDT
M. Villalobos says:
I disagree with your assessment that Rienzi is "second rate Meyerbeer".

Anyone, like myself, who has had the misfortune of trying to sit through Meyerbeer's pathetically uninspired and banal orchestral writing and his Donizetti/Rossini copycat vocal writing would know that Rienzi (even though it is immature Wagner) blows anything Meyerbeer did out of the water!

Wagner set out to out-do Meyerbeer's grand opera with a grand opera of his own and I think he succeeded big time - in Meyerbeer's own turf no less.

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars Not Rienzi, February 23, 2011
By Waldteufel (UK) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Wagner: Rienzi (DVD)
The fact that Hitler liked this opera does not make it an opera about Hitler and the nazis or Mussolini and his fascists. This is a director's 'take' on the opera completely changing the motivation and actions of the principals. As such it is a travesty though well sung, played and acted. But never believe this is Wagner's Rienzi - you only have to read the libretto to see how falsely this version represents the drama.
There is a wonderful and absolutely complete (not 9 hours) performance of the opera on cd conducted by Sir Edward Downes originally broadcast by the BBC in 1976 - well worth seeking out.

Ancient musician says:
I absolute agree with you. The opera was read as a nazi handout ( or anti-nazi one, whatever ), and destroys the beaty of the music. The Music itself in the DVD is great , I liked it very much, but the nazi approach destroys it. And it seems there is no another Rienzi in DVD recently recorded, as option for us.

15 of 18 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars First Rienzi DVD. Excellent., October 4, 2010
By Doug Urquhart (Southport, CT USA) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: Wagner: Rienzi (DVD)
This is the first performance of Rienzi to be recorded on DVD. Any Wagnerite is going to jump at the chance of seeing it.

Fortunately, this is a very entertaining production. Admittedly, cuts have been profound and sweeping; out of the five hour original only 2.5 hours remain. I'm not familiar enough with the full version to comment on whether the baby has been thrown out with the bathwater, but to my ear, what was left was strongly Wagnerian, with none of the fluff described in many accounts of the original. Clearly, the scenes have been selected to match the premise, that Rienzi was a proto-Führer. Again, I don't know whether this is a distortion of the original.

The opening scene, where a somewhat acrobatic body double performed during the overture, was reminiscent of Obersaltzberg, complete with panoramic window and Mussolini fireplace, although the director, in the 'making of' interview, claimed that this wasn't intentional. Much use was made throughout of a bi-level stage, with the main action taking place above the lower section - a concrete bunker. There was also copious use of monochrome video, giving a strong flavour of Leni Riefenstahl.

Musically splendid, with some outstanding performances. Torsten Kerl was the perfect despot, incorporating many of the mannerisms of those chaps from the beginning of last century.
Kate Aldrich, as Adriano was amazing. Just amazing.

Strongly recommended.

On a second viewing, there was a particularly strong scene where the chorus removed their grotesque masks, and normal street clothes, and replaced them with uniforms, complete with stylized 'R' symbols. The individuals were now identifiable, but made anonymous by the costumes.

The more I watch this, the more I like it.


3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Reposted from Superconductor "Rienzi and the Fascist Beast", August 27, 2011
By Paul Pelkonen "Superconductor" (Brooklyn, NY) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Wagner: Rienzi (DVD)
This DVD presents a bold re-interpretation of this early opera by Richard Wagner. The title character is re-imagined as a 20th century dictator with a uniform fetish, who rises to power on the back of the common people, only to be killed in an underground bunker in the last act. (Sound like anyone you've heard of?) It's fitting that this brilliant staging by Philipp Stölzl was filmed at the Deutsches Oper Berlin in 2010. It's the first Rienzi on video, and the first essential Wagner DVD to be released in some time.

Rienzi is Wagner's third opera. It is his longest work: (five acts, six hours) a gigantic grand opera in the manner of Meyerbeer. Philipp Stölzl cut the score severely for this performance, chopping out ballets, finales, choruses, processions, and whole swaths to get it down to a lean two and a half hours. The truncation of the score is clever, if ruthless.

This music is very different from mature Wagner. He wrote it when he was 26, and by time the opera was premiered (eight years later) the ever-restless composer had moved on to Der Fliegende Höllander and was already planning Tannhäuser. The Deutsches Oper Berlin orchestra plays brilliantly under the baton of Stephen Lang-Lessing. The decision to retain Wagner's early (and sometimes clumsy) orchestrations intact gives the work charm and shows the care that went into this performance.

Heldentenor Torsten Kerl gives a moving performance in the title role, singing with a high, penetrating tone that blooms into moments of sweetness. This part has hellish difficulties written into it by the young, ambitious Wagner. Much declamatory singing is required, forcing the tenor to be heard over a heavy orchestra. Mr. Kerl rises to the challenge, soaring to an impressive height for the moment when Rienzi rejects the crown in Act Two.

His best singing is in the final act, during Rienzi's prayer. This famous scene (its main theme is the backbone of the Overture) unfolds with a warm outpouring of tone as it rises to its climax. In the final scene, Mr. Kerl loose with his full instrument, and the effect is devastating.

Soprano Kate Aldrich is a potent figure in the trouser role of Adriano Colonna, the would-be assassin who is also in love with Rienzi's sister Irene. As Irene, soprano Camilla Nylund sings with hard, bright tone that fits the role of Rienzi's chief lieutenant and collaborator. There is the chilling suggestion of incest in their sibling relationship. The other star of this show is the Deutsches Staatsoper's main and auxilary choruses, who do remarkable work in this opera's many public scenes.

The production makes extensive use of back-projected films by fettFilm (Torge Møller and Momme Hinrichs). Cribbing from the films of Leni Riefensthaal (most notably Triumph of the Will) the films are used as on-set propaganda and a narrative device throughout.

The costume design (by the team of Kathi Maurer and Ursula Kudrna) is also clever. In the second act, the onstage mob of Roman citizens takes off their civilian colors to revealchiaroscuro uniforms, emblazoned with the "Diamond-R" rune that serves as the symbol of Rienzi's government. As the dictator comes to power, all color is bled out of Rome. The effect is terrifying.

Rienzi was Hitler's favorite opera. In 1905, the 16-year-old dictator-to-be attended a performance in Linz, Austria. That may have inspired much of the iconography, (and some of the the political philosophy) adopted by the former house painter as he led Germany down the path of genocide and destruction. So it's understandable that it doesn't get performed much. By re-imagining the work in this radical new way, the creative forces behind this staging may have actually redeemed it. Wagner would have been pleased.

14 of 19 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Rienzi Oh! Rienzi, October 20, 2010
By Giles Bernard J. Hall "Brgilesbernard" (Tasmania; Australia) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: Wagner: Rienzi (DVD)
Rienzi! Where do you start. I have the complete Schott Vocal Score to this music drama of Wagner's and you should see the sanctioned cuts he has made through it. One wonders why he actually wrote it so long in the first place. I believe that the first ever production took place over two (2) nights.
As a staunch Wagnerian, I would gladly sit through the 6 odd hours of Rienzi, as it contains some of Wagner's most lyrical music.
This is the only music drama that Wagner never ever wanted to be performed at Bayreuth, it had to be performed elsewhere. No reason was given.
Will we ever get a COMPLETE studio recording of this wonderful music drama.
(I use the term `Music Drama" as Wagner's works are not Operas, they are Music dramas, even he refers to them as such.) I doubt it.
Back to this production from Deutsche Oper, Berlin:
I HATE modern stagings of Wagner. The production does nothing for me at all. It might as well be a completely different music drama. Nothing like what Wagner had in mind when he wrote it. However: the singing is brilliant and the cast exceptional. Torsten Kerl makes a wonderful Rienzi, Camilla Nyland is excellent as Irene and Kate Aldrich does justice to the role of Adriano Collono. The orchestra and chorus are under the baton of Sebasitan Lang-Leesing (our very own Chief conductor of the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra). One of my many complaints is that you never see the orchestra and the conduction is not included in the curtain calls. The sound quality is exceptional. But sadly the production didn't cut it for me. The cost to do these weird productions is just as much as a traditional one, so why do it. I though the idea was to draw people to the theatre, NOT drive them away with these STUPID childish productions.
I turn the TV OFF and just listen to the music, that's how I cope with this production. It's much better that way as there really in nothing to see. You might enjoy it, but I didn't and make no apology about it.

marco polo says:
If it's so bad, why did you rate it a 5?
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In reply to an earlier post on Oct 31, 2010 9:49:27 PM PDT
Giles Bernard J. Hall says:
I rated it as a 5, because of the quality of the recording, not the content. Plus. It will possible be the ONLY recording we will ever get on DVD in my life-time. So I have to be grateful for small mercies. This also incorporates BAD productions. Just because I did not like the production/presentation, does not mean others won't. I am a purist and prefer traditional settings and make no apology for it.
Once I got past the initial shock, I did end up enjoying it just for the music alone.

RIENZI | Ensemble + Chor

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Very good dvd and music, poor staging, January 19, 2012
By conductor - See all my reviews
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This review is from: Wagner: Rienzi (DVD)
Good quality of dvd, two discs, very good tenor, orchestra and chorus from Berlin Opera. Unhappily the modern staging, as in use these days, with tasteless associations from recent history, does not reflect the real sense of the libretto.
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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars RIENZI, January 3, 2011
By ERNEST DAMATO (Maplewood,, NJ United States) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: Wagner: Rienzi (DVD)
The vocalists are simply great. It was difficult to imagine this opera taking place during the time of Mussolini! But it is the only extant video we have of RIENZI, albeit with many cuts. I think Wagner is turning over in his grave.

3 of 7 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars Yes, it is Euro Trash, May 30, 2011
By K. Feucht "OncoDoc" (Puyallup, WA United States) - See all my reviews

Wagner wrote three early operas that are relatively unknown since they are rarely performed, including die Feen, das Liebesverbot, and Rienzi. They are operas that are not typical of Wagner's mature style, but do show development toward the final Wagnerian style. Rienzi is the opera that launched Wagner's career as a musician, and several of the pieces including the overture are still occasionally performed. There were no available movie versions of this opera until this performance came out, so I decided to buy it, especially with the reasonable reviews given to it by reviewers. This performance has its merit. The singers were faultless, acting and singing well. The recording was high quality, though there were often problems with mixing of the sound of the singers and the orchestra, in that the orchestra tended to drown out the voices on stage.

My problem with this performance is the staging. I don't object to modern versions of operas, so long as they don't distract from the story and theme of the original opera. If the staging is such that it creates another theme or story than the original opera, or if it restricts itself to being solely a commentary on either the opera or the composer, then it should not be considered as a legitimate version of the opera. I recall the Peter Sellars versions of various operas that attempted contemporary contextualization of 18th and 19th century operas, yet they were never sold as straight opera renditions. Creative license with modern European staging tends to destroy the composers intent, and this should be overtly stated. It would be like re-writing a Beethoven symphony for a Jazz band but calling it the original symphony. Liszt did not have the audacity to do that, but was willing to call his transcriptions something else, and bizarre creative staging should be called something other than the original opera.

The staging used in this performance is indeed bizarre. The citizens of Rome come out masked at first, eventually removing their masks and donning suits that looked more like Soviet peasant outfits. Rienzi and his daughter appeared more like Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun than a noble Roman tribune. The themes of Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini prevailed, forcing the entire opera into an entirely other interpretation. Adriano, the traitor, is made into the hero, and Rienzi is reduced to totalitarian scum. The final scene, with Rienzi in Hitler's bunker and Speer's model of the new Berlin before him was exceptionally distractive to the aria "Allmächtiger Gott..." and completely out of place. The videos of Rienzi as a totalitarian propagandist before microphones appearing on television were seriously distracting. Wagner's character development in the opera was completely re-written. The behind the scenes slaughter of the assassins at the end of act 1 altered the story of the opera. This is not the way Wagner intended the opera to be, and the staging was too divergent from the actual opera story to be legitimate. I'd rather just listen to a recording than to watch what Stölzl has given us.

Whatever one may think of Wagner, I suggest that performances should leave Wagner alone. It is true that Wagner was a truly despicable egotistical, racist person, yet his composing is sublime. It is quite easy to see his anti-Jewish sentiments throughout his operas, which must be overlooked. Thankfully, many Jewish Wagner conductors and performers have been able to do that, producing some of the best performances of Wagner in existence (eg., James Levine's Ring, Leonard Bernstein's Tristan und Isolde). To be obsessed with mid-twentieth century totalitarianism when performing a Wagner opera deprives the opera of its legitimate interpretation and reduces the performance to just another case of Euro Trash

By utilizing that offensive (and all too-predictable) term "euro-trash" you null and void any potentially valid statement you otherwise might have made.
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In reply to an earlier post on Feb 1, 2012 3:10:46 PM PST
Last edited by the author on Feb 1, 2012 3:13:08 PM PST
R. Denes says:
Unfortunately for the world-wide audience, you are wrong Mr.BLUEMAHLER. The drastic changes inflicted by a director upon the composer's intention and upon the original libretto cannot be defined better than as "Eurotrash". Simply, just too many examples of this opera-murdering exists among the available DVD opera-recordings.

2 of 6 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Not eurotrash, December 30, 2010
By Mr. T. R. MCKAY (Bel Air, MD United States) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: Wagner: Rienzi (DVD)
I too am a Wagnerphile extreme and have been waiting 20 years for a video-DVD-Blu-Ray of Rienzi. I don't mind updated staging if they magnify the themes and plot of the opera under the lens of more recent historical events. The lens of fascist/totalitarian war-time Europe in the 20th century is quite enlightening for the debut DVD/Blu-Ray of Rienzi. Does anyone really want to see an opera set in 14th century Italy, especially an opera that , likely none of us have ever seen?

My biggest diappointment in this set is the tragic cut of my favorite choral scene 'Der Tag ist da, der Stunde naht...Auf Roemer auf' This version retains a few quotations of this Act III scene 3 choral music, but the rousing 7 mins of music (Disc 3 track 1 of Staatskapelle Dresden/Heinrich Hollreiser Wagner: Rienziis tragically cut.

Rienzi will unlikely ever make it into the German repetoire but I recommend Stölzl's production to any serious German operaphile.

RIENZI | Torsten Kerl als Rienzi

6 of 28 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars MORE Euro Trash!!!, October 30, 2010
By Mary Ann Kusner "Classical music lover" (West Chester, PA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Wagner: Rienzi (DVD)
Now that I know this is "updated", I will not buy this DVD. I love this opera and was delighted to see it has finally been recorded on DVD. My first shock was the cuts in Wagner's fabulous music. His original RIENZI was nine hours long and I regret I could never hear the entire performance. NOW THIS... NO.

marco polo says:
How can you rate it if you haven't seen it? You're not reviewing; you're ranting.
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In reply to an earlier post on Oct 31, 2010 8:47:11 AM PDT
Last edited by the author on Oct 31, 2010 8:48:33 AM PDT
Mary Ann Kusner says:
I have been stuck viewing enough terrible updated productions to realize I am not going to subject myself to any more. Why should I support EURO TRASH? Instead of buying opera subscriptions, I pick and choose depending upon the production and the singers. I can always listen to the beautiful singing and music without being aggravated with someone's new and crazy ideas especially when they change the entire meaning of the composer. Why don't they compose and produce their own operas instead of ruining beautiful traditional operas? I am told by fund raisers that they are doing this to attract younger people. Where are they? They are certainly not attending despite the sex and violence. I have been buying the best traditional DVDs so I can sit home and enjoy opera as it should be.
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Posted on Nov 7, 2010 12:09:30 AM PDT
Masterman says:
The original Rienzi was 6 hours long, and the only way you can hear that is if someone invented a time machine and prevented Hitler from hiding the manuscript of Rienzi in his bunker.
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In reply to an earlier post on Dec 30, 2010 5:23:29 AM PST
Amatzia Wolloch says:
Everyone is intitled to have her taste. I found this production to be most interesting, considering Hitler's facination with it.
I have a traditional production, taped from SAT broadcast. No comparison!
According to the information on Downs excellent BBC audio recording (which lasts for about 4.5 hours),
Wagner himself shortened the opera from 6 to 4.5 hours.
Other audio recordins last two hours and some.
One has also to remember Rienzi is not Tristan, is sounds to me as a study...What may be considered wondwerful for less gifted composers, is not enough for Wagner.
Happy New Year!
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Posted on Feb 10, 2012 3:15:15 PM PST
BareOpera says:
Ok, is the original 6 hours long, 5 hours long or 9 hours long? Who cares. I am glad for this stunning peformance of this opera, even though abridged. I am not a fan of "Eurotrash" productions but I hardly equate this modernization to fall in that category. My only criticism is the acrobatics during the overture. Why must directors feel they must give us visual entertainment on opera videos during the performance of overtures... All in all this is a great video..

Iata si comentariile iubitorilor de Wagner dela un clip cu uvertura la Rienzi:

B-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t !!! 

jetzt084 3 weeks ago in playlist Liked videos

Rienzi inspired Hitler to become a Volkstribun. He was so deeply impressed by this opera and started to read Wagner literature and follow his own inspiration. Richard Wagner was his spiritual mentor his opera Rienze made Hitler what was and the way how he raised to the ultimate power. The roman empire inspired him to setup gigantic buildings and propaganda parades.

Frampa 2 months ago

Heil Hitler !

c3aPa 2 months ago

E com profundo pezar que percebo um preconceito contra as obras musicas do autor fico extremamente incomodado de saber que pessoas que tem uma capacidade tão grande de reflexão se curvem ante a teorias exdrúxulas e ao sectarismo, contudo ainda é necessário também divulgar os canalhas que vem acusar a nós que temos apreço por belas sinfonias gostei do aúdio tão somente!

sicofanta1 4 months ago

I really could care less about Wagner's personal beliefs, or how his music gets tied up with National Socialism. When I listen to this piece, its construction, and its overall tone, literally speaks to the very core of my being. I had never had the pleasure of hearing it before I took a music class at University. I'm actually not a huge Wagner fan. This piece is near perfection though in terms of creating an emotional response in me. Breathtaking...

dmwalker24 6 months ago 2

This Overture shows how Wagner rather than Mahler was the real precursor of contemporay music

vimeogp 7 months ago

Yes! Eleven'ty Billion Times Yes! There truly is a sense of having a foot in two different eras.

dmwalker24 in reply to vimeogp 4 months ago

omg you people. it's just a picture. nazi germany is history, so stop making a big deal out of it!

LordArturus 8 months ago

It's sorted now and only a click is required to listen to the overture.

Thank you.

evasuser 8 months ago

*And Hilter simply

Caecenno 8 months ago

You guys, this is history. Sure, some people will see the Swastika and instantly become offended and indignant. But:

A: It's the uploader's choice to use this picture, they're making it a point to remind us of some of the background of the piece. Granted, Wagner had nothing to do with Hitler simply appreciated Wagner's music, so the point being made here could be questioned.

B: People should remember that, yes, the Nazis did unspeakably terrible things, but no one here is promoting Nazism.

Caecenno 8 months ago

You have to be sick to put this picture on this fan tas tic music. And yes we do know Evil Otto liked is as well.

rayadhd 8 months ago

Someone has reported the video as offensive etc. and now username and

password is needed to watch (and listen to) it.

Since the sound quality of the video is well above the average could you

please upload the video again but this time leaving the pic blank so that

no one will find it offensive?

evasuser 10 months ago 3

No, i´m sorry. NationalSocialism was a great promoter of wagner in these years, and millions of germanys can discover Wagner thanks to the mobile bands founded by Hitler idea´s of social culture to give the culture to the little towns. If you consider it´s offensive, please, don´t see tv and american films. You can find more true in the banned books (some ones writed for jewish diissidents)

kandutery in reply to evasuser 8 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos 4

Sight read this for school, hahaha loved it! Can't wait to perfect it

Kristian Skugor 11 months ago

forget nazi germany, that is a failed ideology, this should be an anthem symbolising the greatness and superiority of the human race.

saulwilliams56 11 months ago

Just because they suffered total defeat - Gotterdamerung it doesn't make National Socialism a failed ideology. It didn't fail, it was destroyed. Rather prematurely in my opinion.

FlorianGeyerUK in reply to saulwilliams56 10 months ago

well its history now and it will never be resurrected unless people forget

saulwilliams56 in reply to FlorianGeyerUK 10 months ago

Wagners Jahrhundertwerk !

eisenherzification 1 year ago

Wagner had no idea that his music would inspire a gangster to burn the world. It's not fair to combine his beautiful masterpiece with this terrible photo. Shame on you.

walchseewinkl20 1 year ago

For fucks sake!! If you're going to upload a piece of classical music, upload the whole piece or at least the whole fucking movement or don't even bother!!

hathigmonorow 1 year ago

So, this version of the Rienzi Overture is your favorite, this one performed under the baton of Otto Klemperer? You do know why Otto Klemperer had to leave Germany in '33, right? That's probably why this accompanying photo montage is really inappropiate.

MrJm323 1 year ago


I would exchange the picture of the Nuremberg-NSDAP-parade place. What will You say us with it ? That Wagner was a Nazi ? He lived long before A.Hitler was born. That A.Hitler liked Wagner music ? Then You should state this, but is it a problem of Wagner ? A.Hitler also liked dogs...will all dogs blamed for this ? Tell us...

tausendstein 1 year ago 2

Adolfus Heidler (Hitler) indeed credits his patriotism to Germany and the Nazi cause to WAGNERS ideas and music. It is clearly stated in many biographies, especially from one of Adolfs best friend when he was young. These two young boys went and listened to this very music at the theatre and the best friend stated that ever since that day, Adolf was a changed man.

AmateurVisions in reply to tausendstein 3 weeks ago

Wagners wife called Hitler a genius and was a top members of NSDAP, his daughter wanted Hitler as her husband but he said it he was a bachelor married only to Germany he could never marry a woman, only Eva he married for her loyalty to him in his final 24 hours. Research the Wagner family were National Socialists.

CSmoCC in reply to tausendstein 3 months ago

it´s only a beatiful example of wagnerian arquitecture. You don´t like? you can ban the swastika´s painting the screen of your computer

kandutery in reply to tausendstein 8 months ago

the building style has nothing to do with wagner... its purely based on ruin value and the nazi architecture (yes its known like that) grand, megalomanic and impressive... making you feel small and yet part of one big community. designed to look great even if it is in ruins.

has wagner to do something with that?

5seba56 in reply to kandutery 1 month ago

"I can't listen to that much Wagner. I start getting the urge to conquer Poland". Woody Allen.

deBoeldieu 1 year ago

At least Hitler had good taste.

josefkesselring 1 year ago 3

great beginning but too fast

ThirstyDad65 1 year ago

"Hitler era stato galvanizzato dal dramma di Rienzi: aveva lasciato il teatro molto dopo la mezzanotte con un compagno di scuola, August Kubizek, e con lui si era avviato su per una collina appena fuori Linz. E li, nella notte, Hitler improvvisamente aveva parlato all' amico di un patto che un giorno il popolo avrebbe stretto con lui chiedendogli di liberarlo dalla schiavitu' per condurlo verso la libertà. Aveva passato la notte all' aperto. Fu allora che tutto ebbe inizio."

MrCarlocarletti 1 year ago

tratto da D. Irving "La guerra di Hitler"

MrCarlocarletti in reply to MrCarlocarletti 1 year ago

Hitler per mille anni !!!

MrCarlocarletti 1 year ago

RIENZI | Torsten Kerl als Rienzi, Chor der Deutschen Oper Berlin


marcodx80 1 year ago

dummer nazi

SalaputiaBrass 1 year ago

Well I believe that this music definitely defines the rise and fall of Hitler. Rienzo had wished the reunification of Italy and Hitler had achieved that goal by unifying the german people into a greater reich. Bismarck had also achived that goal but he was a noble, while Rienzo and Hitler were revolutionaries of modest origins. The fall of both men is also kinda tragic.

DeusEx47 1 year ago

Wagner- Anti Semitic Proto Nazi or otherwise an extraordinary genius who inspired Hitler, Ludwig and me. Nobody driving a Ford gives a hoot (!) that Henry Ford was also an Anti Semite. Martin Luther wasn't too keen on the Jews either, but people keep on going to church. The list is quite a long one- why single Der Meister out ?

devonlongbow 2 years ago 3

@bkmoore773 But you are aware of Wagner's writings about jews, right?

LordMgls 1 year ago

Do You want to have a list of all famous people in Europe and elsewhere in this time or later who wrote something against jews ? Antisemitism was very popular in those times....why ever. It is a tragedy that it was so, but I wouldnt pick a single one (Wagner) only because A.Hitler liked his music. This is the only problem I think, that A.Hitler liked them music. If not, nobody would care.

tausendstein in reply to LordMgls 1 year ago

@bkmoore773 Frankly, to hell with the politics, this is one ofthe most beautiful, ethereal pieces ever written and the expectancy in it is incredible. Without Wagner the world would be a poorer place.

jimuk63 1 year ago 3

@10PrintHello20Goto10 the image it´s Wagnerian aesthetics, same an apollinean dream. Adolf Hitler represents the political and  architectural spirit of Richard Wagner

I would not put a photo of the Guggenheim

kandutery 1 year ago

@bkmoore773 is not a fault of Hitler if any government don´t use the good music properly. Let others learn from Hitler and use the masterpieces of music to reach them in an understandable manner to all audiences same make Hitler with her films

kandutery 2 years ago

otto klemperer was jewish btw

sleepbag45 2 years ago 2

Fantastisch Wagner

Dani84sb 2 years ago 4

i'm not exactly sure putting a nazi picture was the best thing to do lol

At least, explain a bit, you could have told people that Rienzi was, for example, hitler's favorite opera and the one which made him love wagner so much afterward.

jambaz1000 2 years ago 11

@jambaz1000, true, iam not a nazi, the melody is wonderfull....;-), bad pic to such a nice melody...

lumes667 in reply to jambaz1000 10 months ago

If they don't know and are offended, they shouldn't bother listening.

naltrexone23X in reply to jambaz1000 2 years ago

Rienzi was the opera that inspired Hitler to be a german politician. Wagner's first opera he saw in his life, at 14 years of age.

kandutery in reply to jambaz1000 2 years ago 9

in fact it was more what he himself claimed and was more part of a general myth than a truthful aspect...

sternberg1 in reply to kandutery 1 year ago

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you are incorrect. Kubizeck, the friend of Hitler when are a teen, confirm this.

kandutery in reply to sternberg1 1 year ago

That may be but it wasn't like a straight and direct way into politics like he claimed it in "Mein Kampf", but more of a disorientation and the life of a bohemian until WW1

sternberg1 in reply to kandutery 1 year ago

yeah, was at Linz in 1906, after they came out of Rienzi's function.

jorgelchacon in reply to kandutery 1 year ago

poor great Richard a man he wasn't a hero, but he was a genious, and it's just stupid to put his name always near hitler and nazis

Tolstoevskii in reply to kandutery 2 years ago

too fast but nice anyway!

divine604 2 years ago

It sounds like they were in a hurry.

naltrexone23X in reply to divine604 2 years ago

RIENZI | Camilla Nylund als Irene

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