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Big bang-ul filozofiei vestice

That which is not, is not. "What-is-not" does not exist. Since anything that comes into being must arise out of what-is-not, objects, states of affairs and so on cannot come into being. Likewise, they cannot pass away, because in order to do so they would have to enter the realm of what-is-not. Since it does not exist, what-is-not cannot be the womb of generation, or the tomb of that which perishes. The no-longer and the not-yet are variants of what-is-not, and so the past and future do not exist either. Change, then, is impossible. Equally, multiplicity is unreal. The empty space necessary to separate one object from another would be another example of what-is-not. And since things cannot be anything to a greater or lesser degree—this would require what-is to be mixed with the diluting effect of what-is-not—the universe must be homogeneous.
Παρμενίδης ο Ἐλεάτης

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No one could sincerely accept, even less live by, Parmenides's conclusions, not only because they are unthinkable, but also because they contain a fundamental error. This is easiest to spot in the assertion in Fragment 3 that "Thinking and the thought 'it is' are the same"; in other words, that it is impossible to think of something that does not exist. This is, of course, incorrect: we are always thinking of things that have no reality outside of our thought. Besides, if thought were confined to what-is, thinking and Being would be one and the same. Without a distance between thought and its objects, so that the thought can exist in the absence of the object, thought would not be about anything. It could not even be about what-is. Consequently there would be no space for truth or falsehood. Parmenides's fundamental error is his failure to allow for the entertaining of explicit possibility. Thought is about what might be the case, rather than what is the case. That, indeed, is why thinking is about "what-is" and "what-is-not," rather than simply being a part of "what-is." Parmenides, in short, overlooks the space of possibility which is the world we collectively create, and in which we live our lives steeped in the presence of the past and the anticipation of the future.
