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si calu' ce-a zis ma...? n-a zis nimic ca plecase
cu compasiune, florianei jucan

floriana jucan by marius aldea
floriana jucan, a photo by marius aldea on Flickr.
M-a ajuns acum vestea trista a mortii pictorului Lucian Freud. A fost singurul artist contemporan pe care l-am iubit, care m-a impresionat si ale carui lucrari mi-au zdrobit creierii. A fost unul dintre putinii oameni pe care mi-am dorit cu adevarat sa-i intervievez,dincolo de ratiuni si motivatii jurnalistice.

Prin intermediul unei prietene care locuieste la Londra, aflata in cercul sau intim de prieteni, i-am adresat rugamintea cu cateva luni in urma. Starea sanatatii nu i-a permis si iata-l acum, plecand dintre noi sa picteze bolta cereasca.

Sunt tare trista…La fel de trista precum am fost la moartea lui Saramago. Intre ei au oscilat gusturile mele si ei au fost doi dintre contemporanii care mi-au influentat gandirea si cultura.

Nu stiu daca a mai apucat sa citeasca scrisoarea mea, dar o redau mai jos, ca si cand n-ar fi murit… Un mare artist nu moare, el doar trece in legenda.


Marvelous Lucian Freud,

I am a person who profoundly believes in God and I know that everything that happened in my life, good or bad, I owe it to Him.

I hope that now, when you’re reading these lines, God is looking over your shoulder.

I’ve been a journalist for 15 years now, in an Eastern Europen country, Romania, a country that has been kept for decades in a cultural darkness. Despite these, rays like Emil Cioran, Mircea Eliade or Eugen Ionesco are shining over universal culture. And I am writing you from their country.

As a journalist, I’ve been accredited along the Romanian Presidency and the Government, and 4 years ago, I founded by myself, impulsed by my idealism and borrowing money from the banks, Q Magazine publication, who gained the status of a moral and professional instance in a media environment less and less competitive. I followed the model of Time Magazine and became a unique publication in Romania.

It is a bi-monthly publication, with national coverage, printed in 40 000 copies, in its pages having editorials signed by the ex-prime minister, Adrian Nastase, the Ministers of Defense, Economy and of Reform, irreproachable political annalists and also the French writer, Pascal Bruckner himself.

But before being a journalist, I am a person interested in beauty and spectacular destinies.

I’ve read „The work and life” of your grandfather, Sigmund Freud, written by Ernest Jones, in a different language than Romanian, not being translated yet in may native language, by the time I was 20.

I loved him for his patriarchal image, but mostly for the revolution he produced in the system of interpreting the medicine and for his whole existence. I visited his home in Wien.

The same way I love you, the man I know only from his works and the rare public appearances.

I was among those who came to London to see your exhibition from Tate Gallery in 2002 and among those who, impressed by your words on the site of „ National Gallery” I contributed for buying the famous painting of Titian, „Diana and Acteon”

Recently, a friend of mine from London, who well knows my Luciano Freud-ian passion, sent me a CD with a documentary movie dedicated to you, which I watch in the moments I want to escape from reality.

It is almost redundant to say what a personal and professional joy would be for me to be able to meet you, but mostly to realize an interview with you for Q Magazine readers, and also for all those around the world, because, collaborating with all press agencies, your thoughts will go all over the world.

It’s hard to bring more convincing arguments than my love to your works.

I have always wrote about grand exhibitions I saw around the world and about the great contemporary artists, for whose concerts I traveled around the whole world, being convinced that only art can rescue us from this material times we live. I would be more than honored to be able to bring to the attention of the world your thoughts about art, world and society in which we live in, about accomplishments and disillusions personally and artistically.

Please accept this interview as a great favor made for a journalist, a country, a borderless audience!

It would be a great honor and a divine blessing for me.

Only you are reading these lines is, by far, more important than the sadness of the refuse to accept my kindly request!


Floriana Jucan

General Manager”.

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