„Asasinii lui Ursu au fost condamnaţi. Miron Cozma va fi graţiat. Primii n-au fost prinşi, ultimul e prins, dar va fi liber"; „Acum că ministrul Culturii se ocupă de înălţarea Catedralei lângă Casa Poporului, Preafericitul va supraveghea probabil construcţia pistei de curse auto care le va da ocol"; „Albanezii au ieşit din submarinul cu vâsle şi au inaugurat primii 100 de km de autostradă. Noi am rămas cu bancul"; „Palmierii înlocuiesc florile plantate de mineri în 1990. La români, social-democraţia e exotică şi ţine de estetică";
„După ce Fabulospirit ne-a costat nişte milioane, sigur noile milioane cheltuite de Ministerul Turismului vor produce ceva de genul Spiritfabulos"; „Cei care vor să interzică arta urbană să nu uite că am fost 28 de ani de partea fără graffiti a Zidului din Berlin"; „La expoziţia mondială, România se prezintă cu un pavilion sub formă de măr, în timp ce acasă ecologia nu are reprezentare parlamentară, râurile sunt pline de peturi, iar munţii vor fi raşi cu cianură. Merele din piaţă sunt din Turcia"; „Ceauşescu a fost împuşcat de Crăciun, România a intrat în NATO de 1 aprilie, Miron Cozma a fost eliberat pe 14 iunie"; „Preţul mediu pentru un km de autostradă este de 13 milioane euro. Filmul lui Mungiu a costat 600.000".
NYC - MoMA: Dan Perjovschi's What Happened to Us?
Projects 85: Dan Perjovschi
What Happened to Us?, 2007
May 2–August 27, 2007
The Donald B. and Catherine C. Marron Atrium, second floor
For his first solo museum exhibition in the United States, the Romanian artist Dan Perjovschi was invited to create a large-scale drawing installation, executed over a period of two weeks directly onto the wall of The Donald B. and Catherine C. Marron Atrium. Inspired by current events reported on television and in newspaper and tabloid headlines, Perjovschi explores political topics including the Middle East conflict and the recent extension of the European Union. Through concise phrases and wordplay, his sketches and skits portray reality with a sense of criticality and pointed humor. The work's rhetorical title, WHAT HAPPENED TO US?, offers a textual pun, in which US may refer either to the subjective pronoun "us" or to the proper noun "United States of America."
Perjovschi's drawings have been widely disseminated-from the walls of museums to the pages of newspapers. Since 1990, following the demise of Communism in Eastern Europe and the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, the artist has contributed hundreds of witty and incisive observations to literary and political journals, such as Contrapunct and 22. The latter was the first independent oppositional weekly published in Romania in the aftermath of the Democratic Revolution. Taking its name from the date December 22, 1989, the historic day on which Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu was ousted from power, 22 is the brainchild of the Group of Social Dialogue, a think tank of dissident writers, artists, and philosophers who endorse freedom of expression and human rights. As an illustrator for 22, and as its former art director, Perjovschi has transformed drawing into a medium of information and political commentary. Expressing complex ideas in rapidly executed, off-the-cuff drawings, Perjovschi's installation propose that art can be engaged without being moralistic.
Projects 85 is organized by Roxana Marcoci, Curator, Department of Photography, The Museum of Modern Art. Created in 1971, as a forum for emerging artists and new art, the Projects series has played a vital part in MoMA's contemporary art programs.
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